Saturday, October 16, 2010

10/16/10 11am

Nancy (5 rds of 400m run/15 OHS @ 65#)

First time trying this with the RX'd weight but I decided to stick to 3 rounds, just because I'm going to be in the gym a lot for the next couple of days before the wedding.

3 rounds in 14:08

Last time I did 5 rounds @ 45# in 20something, so I'm pretty sure I was on par to match that. OHS were no problem really, did all straight through. The heavier weight did a number on my legs though. The runs were sooooo slow.

After, I decided to try some heavier OHS just to see. Threw 85x3 up with no problem. Ready to go heavy.

9am @ CFCC

GRACE (30 C&J @ 85#)

First time attempting this RX'd. Done in sets of 5. I feel great about this. RX's girl/benchmark workout COMPLETE.

3/1/10 6:30 PM

30 power cleans + push jerks [from the floor w/ 75#]

This was harder than I thought it would be. So yeah. I also am a little nervous that I lost count and maybe did a few less than 30.