3/29/11 8pm-ish
Waited for half an hour for the next sectionals workout to be posted starting at 8pm. Waited, waited waited then decided to row a 1K with Erin for time. Totally unprofessional, HQ, kindly get your **** together.
1000m row = 4:05
This felt good. Low stroke rate but need to keep up the strength throughout. I thought this was pretty good but read that I hit 4:01 last summer, so eh. Need to work these into the plan more.
Um, I'm not thrilled at all about this but I'm logging it just to log it. So, I am unexpectedly REALLY sore from yesterday's WOD. Especially in the pecs and anterior everything, just from the pushups. So I hopped on the pullup bar just to do some kipping swings today, and when I came down suddenly something hurt sharply in the front of my shoulder where the anterior deltoid inserts. It didn't hurt when I was doing it, but when I came down I lifted my arm up and front from a neutral hanging position and felt this icky pain. Also, my whole shoulder felt really clicky when I rolled it around. I'm thinking I strained it a bit because it was so tight, and I was swinging with bodyweight too soon. The pain has subsided substantially since it happened. I don't know. I'm going to ice it and take it easy for the rest of the week. Irritating.