Banana + iced coffee w/ espresso on the way to Crossfit
*Another stellar session, although I felt very sleepy this morning. MUST SLEEP MORE.
8ish ounce chicken breast (baked w/ adobo seasoning), 1 delicious apple from the farmer's market. There's a bag of frozen broccoli calling my name right now. Eating clean makes you have weird cravings.
After a few weeks of totally clean eating I literally can't stand the sight of ice cream or even some super-sweet fruits! My body WANTS veggies and protein. You should see this idiotic blog I visited today - http://www.loveveggiesandyoga.com/2010/04/vegan-protein-faqs-sources-of-weight.html - a bunch of people swilling rice protein, barley, and saying they don't need much protein. A bunch of people who don't know the difference between protein qualities, quality of digestion, lectins, aminos...uuugh. Keep on keepin' on!