....of work. Sometimes it needs to happen.
Got a lot of sleep, I think. Room was nice and cold (love love LOVE sleeping with AC blasting). Could have slept longer but wanted to hit the 8am. Had 2 shots espresso beforehand, otherwise fasted.
Snatch Balance, Snatch Balance + OHS
Worked up to 60#, did 5 sets
Wasn't thrilled with how this felt. I didn't feel strong in the receiving position (felt like i was wobbling a lot) and I really hated lowering the bar back onto my neck with a snatch grip. Thought I'd be working at a much higher weight than this too. Snatch and OHS quite disproportionate to other lifts. Not for long though. Oh well. Can't win them all.
Metcon: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
20" box jumps
pullups (mini band)
Proud of myself for repping the box jumps really well! Got really hung up on the pullups. I mean, we've done a lot of pullups in the past week. Need to throw weighted pulls into the mix again to get my strength back up.
There are a few easy skill things I want to work on for the immediate future (like, the next month) just to see how a simple grease the groove program could help me. For example:
kipping pullups, set of 10 for time (work on stringing them together)
handstand holds for time (work to freestanding)
burpees, speed sets of 10
pushups, sets of 10 working up to sets of 15
So, I'm just going to do my best with these and pick one to throw in as a cash out at the end of each workout.
Food has been - omelette with peppers, onions, avocado, and bacon + fruit + coffee for brunch at 11. Snacked through the afternoon on coconut flakes, a larabar, frozen blueberries and coconut milk. making dinner now - chicken, sweet potato, onion, asparagus. Feel really snacky and drowsy today.
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