First things first, got a lot of sleep but still felt groggy in the morning and needed coffee. Hmm.
Breakfast was at 10ish - salmon in ghee, green beans, lots of sauerkraut. Tons of coffee.
Snack was one of EK's homemade protein bars - almond butter, protein powder, coconut, frozen blueberries, some other stuff. Delicious and REALLY filling.
...which meant lunch wasn't til 3ish? Grassfed beef burger with lots of roasted veggies - tomato, asparagus, zucchini, green pepper.
Didn't drink enough water, didn't get up from the computer enough. Need to do that more.
Just ate dinner at 8:30 (had a client meeting and am doing a ton of design work) - stir fried chicken with onions and peppers. Angel cooked it in bacon fat and some amazing spices. He is THE BOMB.
Training - Press, 1RM baseline @ 5pm
Weird. Suddenly my right shoulder felt not very warm at all and everything overhead felt really week. Annoying. Hit 75# but couldn't get 80 past my face. VERY much less than I was expecting especially since I've hit 85 before. So - there we are. Baseline. Right? I am concerned because after doing this my shoulder felt really clicky and tight. Spent a lot of time on the lax ball but should have spent more time doing that before hand.
My homework is do 50 pushups a day in whatever combination I need to hit quantity. My goal is to build up the endurance to do 15-25 without stopping. We'll start at 5-10 though.
Crazy things going on nutritionally. Sugar cravings are gone, grain cravings are nonexistent, I'm not even craving cheese. I have only been craving alcohol, which is bizarre because I'm not a big drinker. Something about summer nights begs for a beer though. And I'm also craving being able to relax about this, especially given that I've been over to people's houses and am having trouble not launching into a giant discussion on why I'm not eating butter right now. Sigh. Also after the holiday am embarking on an attempt to eat more protein, especially during the strength phase to try and get my lifts up. Not out in this to mass gain - I still have quite a bit of fat to lose.
you gave up BUTTER!?
ReplyDeletework wife. once again, i feel like i no longer know you! is this what divorce feels like...?
Hahahaha. I gave up butter TEMPORARILY. That'll be back. I'm still eating ghee! It's like butter but BETTER.