Saturday August 13th.
Coffee, oats & whey preworkout.
Spent almost half an hour foam rolling and warming up (500m row, easy pace). Felt all junked up in my back and shoulders so made sure to hang from the pullup bar for awhile to align things. It really helped.
Deads - 7 sets of 3 @ 93%, blessed relief (225# - hah, when did 225 become my easy weight? Hilarious)
First 3 sets went fine then Jay had the idea to do some fast light KB swings immediately before our sets for activation. Holy freaking crap. What a difference this made. Fastest, easiest 225# deadlifts I've ever done. 5 minutes of rest + 3 1pd KB swings + 30 sec rest = cakewalk of a deadlift. Amazing.
Accessory work:
Bulgarian Split Squats, 15# plate, 5x10 each leg
Hamstring Curl w/ mini band, 4x10 each leg
Ring Dips, 4x1rsf (6 each round, mini band, getting way easier)
Meg - you are amazing. "225...light...hilarious." I love you.