Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 11.

First 10 days (recap) -

Hardest thing EVER...getting 8 hours of sleep per night! I'm having a huge battle within myself here. My mind loves the 6am. My body does NOT. In order to get 8 hours of sleep on training days, I have to be ASLEEP by 9pm, which means I have to be in bed at 8:30. When I don't get home until 5:30 that doesn't leave me much time to cook, chill out with the Husband, and do much around the house that needs doing. Plus, since I read Lights Out I've become much more aware of the potentially negative effects of being awake when it's dark out, so I might change up my training for a little while and try to get there after work and mix things up with some runs along the river when it's not too hot. Experiments!

Easiest thing ever - taking fish oil. Now that I use Carlson's and don't have to swallow a million pills every day, I actually enjoy taking it. I have not been good at remembering my Vitamin D, though, and I need to keep a bottle at work so I don't forget to take it.

Easier than I thought - 
1. 80 oz of water/ day. I just need to fill my Nalgene twice at work and I'm almost there. And my coworker and I are encouraging each other to remember.
2. Eating mindfully (using the 20 box jumps rule). I can't think of a day when I stuffed myself at any meal, but I still want to be better about eating "presently" if that makes sense. I'm very guilty of multitasking (doing it right now, eating while I blog) and I want to make mealtime more of an event rather than just something I do while I do a million other things as much as possible. 
3. I have made really good choices 95% of the time. The two really bad choices I made involved candy at work. So, I'm noting that I did what I did and moving on from it.

No one really cares about this but me, but I have been having very bad "fat attitudes" lately. The days where nothing fits, I have no clothes that I want to wear, I feel like I look awful in pictures, and on and on. I might be premenstrual, but I haven't had strong feelings like this in awhile, and I don't like that they're happening. Need to figure out why and how to fix it, because I have been doing really well in making good decisions. 

Anyway. Onto the next one....

Day 11.

Again, had trouble with sleepiness this morning. 2 cups of coffee as I was getting dressed
80 ounces of water already today and I'm not done.

About 1.25 cups ground turkey w/ sofrito (leftover from last night) and a tbsp of guac on top. Side of 2.5 cups baby spinach with another tbsp or 2 of guac. This tasted really really good today. 

Successfully resisted birthday cake and ice cream at work. Holla!  

Had 1 piece of my fudge at home (about 1 inch by 1 inch). Even better today. And I can't get over how NOT sweet it is, how much I love it, and how much I ONLY need one piece. Major progress.

@CFCC - overhead squats and planks. Worked up to 95x5 on OHS. Metcon was really tough, I'll write more about it in my workout log (I'll probably be moving that here soon). 
Did a long warmup. Felt awesome. I like that we did more to get moving, hope it continues. Did some hamstring stretches with a band afterwards, about 5-6 minutes each leg. 
BCAAs before/after. Energy felt good. Strength gave out in the OHS, not wind.

At home, went for a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood with Angel. Wanted to get some sun/fresh air since the weather is gonna be crappy this weekend.

Grocery SCORE:
7 lbs chicken thighs, 7lb pork shoulder, cucumbers, tomatos, garlic, huge sweet potato, about 4 lbs baby spinach, 1 can coconut milk, bananas, avocado, cauliflower, scallions, and green peppers = $40 exactly.  We're trying to be especially budget conscious for the next month or so, as a result I have to buy conventional meat, but I'll make up for it with extra fish oil and stuff. Not letting perfect be the enemy of the good. 

Coconut chicken curry: 
Chicken thighs, cauliflower, garlic, onion, coconut milk, chili powder, hot curry powder, salt, coconut oil. 
Already smells delicious. 

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