Tuesday, May 31, 2011

That Which Is Infinite.

For the record, the food and the water and the work keep you alive, but it's a bigger something that makes you thrive.

"I thank you God for this most amazing day...
 ...for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky...

...and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes." -e.e. cummings
Memorial Day Weekend (5/28-5/30) was spent at my aunt & uncle's lake house. This was, without a doubt, EXACTLY what I needed. Ate (didn't concern myself too much with paleo, but probably stayed about 70% + drinking), and RELAXED. Kayaked every day for about an hour, hiked to a beautiful waterfall, laid in a hammock, cooked, slept hard, laughed with family, ohmygod perfection. 

Back in the game quickly before heading down to Virginia for a friend's wedding. Felt really alert and ready to train hard this morning, and comically, today's workout was like Friday's workout on steroids.

5 rounds for max reps each round
Back squat @ 75% of max (135#)
Pullups (RX'd!!!!!!!!)

Rest as needed between rounds.

11/4, 7/5, 9/4, 9/5, 15/5

51 total back squats
23 total pullups

Really very proud of myself for pushing through that last round so hard, and of doing so many pullups! Still controlling a lot on the descent to protect my shoulder. SO happy. And hungry. Jeez.

Today is a weird day, foodwise, because we're heading out of town and I wasn't gonna stock up on stuff. Grassfed ground beef with chilis in adobo sauce, avocado, sauerkraut, baby spinach, and a chocolate cookie from Whole Foods. Haha.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Good Day.

Working from home today so got to go to the 9am session, a rare treat.

Stayed up way too late last night watching movies in bed (guilty pleasure). 

Had coffee and lots of seltzer this morning before the session.

Warmup: foam roll (poor glutes from yesterday although they aren't as bad - yet - as I thought they'd be)
inchworms, high knees, butt kicks, skip for height/length, over/under the fence

Strength: BACK SQUAT
*We haven't squatted in awhile so we were working up to an easy single.

45, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175 - PR!

Really pleased with this because it was easy and fast, and we haven't back squatted in a reeeally long time. I used my new shoes and focused on staying tight in the core through the bottom and spreading the floor with my feet. It obviously helped.

Metcon: Every minute for 10 minutes, complete 2 unassisted kipping pullups
THIS IS HUGE. This is the first time I've ever used unassisted pullups in a metcon. I was ECSTATIC! And they were easy, the first 8 sets were actually strung together. Really focused on descending carefully to protect my shoulder. These weren't really kipping in the traditional sense, more like using momentum to get me over the bar, then coming back under control, then swinging into the next one.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tuesday May 24 and Wednesday May 25 ended up being rest days. Two long work days, there was no time to squeeze in a workout, even at lunch.

Thursday, May 26 - most horrid workout ever. 
3rounds for time:
25# weighted walking lunge, 50 steps
5 1pd KB push press, each arm
10 single leg squats each leg
10 knees to elbows
I don't remember my time. Somewhere in the 15 to 18 minute mark. Hated, hated HATED every minute of this. Namely because I suck at single leg squats and knees to elbows. Hmmph.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Not much to report in terms of awesomeness the weekend. Had some calf/ankle issues that kept me from doing the 1.5 mile time trial on Saturday, so I'm going to try and sneak that in this week sometime (maybe over the weekend at the lake). Team WOD in the park Sunday, my energy felt low, but it was fun to wrangle the sandbags again.

5/23/11, 6am
Sleep - 6 hours? 

Foam rolled, warmed up, lat/shoulder opening mobility WOD with the band (love this).

Strength: in 10 minutes find your peak press (from the floor)
45, 55, 65, 75, 80F, 80
*failed on 80 but reeeally wanted it. Focused on planting my feet/spreading the floor and the second attempt flew up, which makes me think that I probably have 85. 

7 rounds
5 thrusters @ 100% of peak press (80#, kill me)
7 bar burpees (burpee/jump over the bar/burpee)

Horrible. Just horrible. My shoulders are still completely smoked. The penalty for breaking up the thrusters was another round, so yeah. Refused to drop. Also focused on more of a front squat into a push press for the first couple of rounds until my shoulders warmed up.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

7:30ish at Erin Kelly's

Push Press - 3x5
53, 73, 93 easy sets of 5

Team WOD, stadium style (teams of 3)

20 cal row
30 burpees
30 KB swings (1pd)
30 situps
100 ft. walking lunge w/ 25# plate overhead
20 box jumps, 20" box
20 cal row
=18:37 for the team

-Row was awesome. Pulled HARD to get 1cal per pull. Burpees sucked but really tried to push through. KB swings straight through, situps 10-10-5-5, walking lunge was fine, box jumps were slow and steady. This was really fun!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Nutella Level of Deliciousness, scale of 1 - 10

1 being fermented cod liver oil, 10 being bacon 

Level of Eat-Out-of-Jar-with-Spooniness, Scale of 1 - 10

1 being "Whoa, I bought that in October of 2009? Ew, the jar is dusty," 10 being "What happened to that jar of Sunbutter I bought three days ago, wife?" 

Uh, 10. Ahem.

Nutella Ingredients: ingredients: sugar, palm oil, hazelnuts, cocoa, skim milk, reduced minerals whey (milk), lecithin as emulsifier (soy), vanillin: an artificial flavor. 21 grams of sugar per serving (2 tbsp)

NOT OKAY. But somehow part of your balanced breakfast options!

Connie, Nutella's "Expert Dietician," gives some awesome suggestions for moms. Not.
Q: What is the best breakfast to serve my child in the morning?
The “best” breakfast is the one that will be eaten! With the unique taste of Nutella®, kids may think they are eating a treat for breakfast, while moms are helping nourish their children with whole grains. A slice of whole wheat toast spread with Nutella®, a serving of fresh fruit and a cup of yogurt or 1% milk provides perfect balanced nutrition to start the day.

So, yep, I made my own. Found the recipe on the CFCC blog from way back, actually. 

16 ounces hazelnuts (or filbert nuts, they're the same) - without skin saves you a step, with skin is fine
3 tbsp quality cocoa powder or equivalent of melted dark chocolate, maybe more to taste
2 tbsp honey (more if you need it sweeter, you KNOW you don't)
melted coconut oil (to desired consistency, I melted 2 tbsp)

1. Be happy that Nuts to You is so awesome and sells skinless raw hazelnuts for $7/pound
2. Avoid buying the flavored tootsie rolls and popcorn at Nuts to You. 

3. Ahem.

4. Toast the hazelnuts in a 375 degree oven for 10 minutes. Hint: tinfoil on your cookie sheet makes cleanup a breeze.
5. Stick tray of toasted hazelnuts in the freezer for a few hours. The colder they are, the less likely your final product will be chunky (unless you like chunky, I'm not judging.)
6. Peel the skin off the hazelnuts if need be.
7. Put in food processor. Process til you get a good cookie dough/nut butter consistency.
8. Add in your honey and dark chocolate. Process.
9. Drizzle in coconut oil SLOWLY to desired thickness. This is the part where you test it. A lot maybe. It has to be right, right? 
10. Pour into empty glass jar or tupperware, stick in fridge.

You may need to stir it or warm it slightly if it hardens up when chilled. No worries.

So, I have a tupperware container of this sitting next to me and I'm not going to lie and say I don't want to faceplant in it. But - this is VERY decadent and not nearly as sweet as Nutella-the-brand. You still get the awesome chocolately-hazelnutty goodness. And without the random creepy/unnecessary dairy addition. And since it's not a monstrous sugar bomb like our branded friend, I swear, it is a little easier to resist going back for more. If, at its core, it's nuts and rich, flavorful, not tooth-achingly sweet dark chocolate, just remember that it's calorically dense and enjoy it.

Things this would be great on: strawberries, apple slices, blood oranges, bananas, spoons, forks, knives and fingers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The takeaway from this is that, for all my friends (and myself) that get caught in that cycle of shouldn't do it - did it anyway - hate myself now (or the opposite but equally horrible should-do-it-but-didn't-itis), is that we, as a whole, need to RELAX sometimes. Not relax in our standards - I'm not going to say, aw, just eat 20 cookies once in awhile, you need it - but relax in our self-punishment. 

The modern day world throws a lot of temptations at you every day. Why walk to work when you can jump in a cab? Why spend time packing your lunch when you know there will be pizza after the meeting? Why chomp on your apple slices when everyone else is eating birthday cake? Why deal with explaining to your cousin, AGAIN, that you don't eat grains when you can just eat the damn bread in the basket? Why drag your ass to Crossfit in the rain at 5:45am when you can just hit the alarm and sleep for two more hours? Why cook meat and veggies for dinner when you can just get a burger from Five Guys? Why pay out of pocket for monthly deep tissue massages when you can just forget all this madness, eat your way to oblivion, and let your health insurance pay for all your bills. Why go to the effort of bending over in the shower to wash your stank feet when you can just buy some shoes with sponges in them?


And it goes on and on and on.  

What's the solution to this? Give your brain a break. I know that if there's ice cream in the freezer, I will want it til the spoon is in my mouth. So I don't keep ice cream in the freezer. Haven't really figured out how to avoid the candy bowl at work yet. It's a work in progress.  

Today I:
- am on my 2nd nalgene of water
- drank 2 cups of coffee
- slept in til 7:30 (I'll train tonight)
- ate some tuna salad, a pack of paleostix, and a paleocrunch bar. Oh, and about a cup of strawberries. And some jerky. And more strawberries. Kind of a weird day, haha. Dear holy mother of god, the cookies and chips in the work kitchen were calling my name. But I resisted!
- did a crapload of work. 

-Did some stuff at Crossfit Center City (5:30PM):

Mobility: Gastro/Soleus stretch against the wall, Figure 4 against the wall, lots of lax ball work and foam rolling, crazy duck walk/leg swing/arm swing warmup.

Strength: Single Leg Squats
Kind of had a breakthrough with these when I held weight out in front of me to counterbalance myself. They still need work though. Did unassisted to 1 stool, then 10 pounds, then a 12kg KB (that was pretty gross though)

AMRAP 5 minutes
3 KB snatches each arm (1pood)
5 burpees

7 rounds + 1 snatch. Although now I'm doubting my ability to count. I thought it was 7, maybe it was 6? I know I had 3 rounds almost done when Erin said we were 1:15 in. I was surprised (and kind of wanted to die at that point). The snatches were pretty easy. Crazy. 

Some handstand practice after I recovered. Really want that free standing handstand very soon.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday: Too much of the bad, not enough of the good. Really need to make an effort to get outside a lot during the day. As much as possible, really. 

Some good stuff, trainingwise:

Crossfit Endurance @ 5:30:
1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

I didn't measure my distance (we just went back and forth up one side of Washington Square park), and my focus was on not dying and keeping my arm position right and not heel striking. Looking forward to trying this again, and dying less. 

Then dropped in the 6:30 session: 
Some amaaaaaazing leg stretches that I'm actually really glad I did, because my legs aren't sore next day from the running at ALL. 

Snatch Drills w/ PVC 

Power: Every minute for 10 minutes, do 1 snatch. Move up in weight each time. 
Warmed up with 29#, then did 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85.

85 is a PR - but I know I have more than that in me. I was tired from running, I didn't fuel well today, and I just need more practice. The 3rd pull of both the clean and the snatch is not my friend. Soon though - and it's encouraging to see that I can get that far even barely dropping under the bar. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sleep: 6 hours or so, fitful. It was warm in my room last night. I feel kind of dehydrated too.

Fasted training, 6am:
HSPU (scaled to 90sec/60sec/30sec handstand holds)
Ring Dips (mini band assisted)

Not at all winded during this, shoulders just completely went to failure. First and 3rd handstand straight through, 2nd broken up 30/30. Pushups were horrible and one at a time from the beginning. Ring dips were better than I thought but still very tough.

Don't remember food but I do remember a massive candy binge. Like shameful, bulimic level candy binge. Considering yesterday's post I don't like this. it was so weird. I was on autopilot. I'm embarrassed to even report it happened, but it's all part of breaking the cycle. So, it happened. And I moved on.

Dinner was pork shoulder, 1/2 an apple and a tbsp of sunbutter

Got my butter oil/fermented CLO (hoowow that's nasty shit right there) so I'm dutifully supplementing to see if it'll help my skin. For the record, I am 200% aware that sugar binges on the level of today's do NOT help my skin. So. IT'S ALL OUT THERE PEOPLE, YOU HAVE TO LOVE ME. Also took resveratrol.

Forgot Vitamin D and did not get outside (ate lunch at the desk). Pretty sure this combined with not enough sleep is related to my insane sugar cravings.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Loving Life.

My focus lately has been on a lot of decluttering, getting rid of crap that doesn't work in my life anymore. There's no real zen reason for this that I can apply to my eating or training, at least not one that I've thought of yet. 

Although one of my current goals has been lifelong - to stop my very nasty nailbiting habit. I've been biting my nails for as long as I care to remember. And not just dainty nibbling, we're talking chewing to the nubs, ripping up the cuticles, and looking really really awful and gross. NOTHING worked to stop it. I tried getting acrylic nails, gel nails, regular manicures, everything. Finally I decided it was time to change. 

  1. I started to paint this "no-bite" stuff on my nails every other day or so. It's great aversion therapy since it tastes DISGUSTING. Bitter. Since I do a lot of my nail biting out of habit or without even realizing it, this has been really helpful to make me realize exactly what I'm doing. Downside? Aesthetically, I don't like the look of the no-bite stuff. It mattefies whatever nail polish I've got on and gives my nails a nasty weird yellowish tint. Just more incentive to kick the habit.
  2. I use Nailtiques clear polish once per day (usually at night). It's a great strengthening polish.
  3. I keep a nail file, cuticle cream and nail clippers with me at all times. I've stashed them everywhere - at my desk at work, in my purse, on my vanity at home. If I see a hangnail or a ragged cuticle, I trim or file it down IMMEDIATELY and slather on hand cream. 
  4. Once I went 2 weeks without biting I treated myself to a manicure. 
This program was working really well for about 3 weeks. My nails were finally growing and looking really good. Then one day when I was at my in-laws I just went to TOWN. I don't know what particularly triggered it (although I'm thinking a combination of idle hands/OCD about a ragged nail that I was too lazy to fix properly), but I chewed every last nail down to the quick AGAIN. 
The next day I was so bummed out because, basically, I'd ruined 3 weeks of progress and had to start from scratch. And this, my foodie friends, led me to think about other ways I do this in my daily life. I think MANY of my friends can empathize with this whole "I'll be totally perfect and then deviate and then suddenly I'm off the wagon completely and facedown in a pecan pie" -- or something very similar. 

I'm still working out exactly what this means. I think there are times in your life (like when you're doing a Whole30 or trying to kick a habit of ANY kind) that you have to be super strict with yourself. And for some of us, there's the realization that there's no such thing as moderation. Alcoholics can't have "just one beer." Heroin addicts can't have "just one hit." When I eat sugar, I IMMEDIATELY start to crave it again. When I start to pick at the cuticle on my index finger, I have to stop myself immediately or I'll ruin the weeks of progress I've made on making my nails look nicer. 

Am I advocating a life where you NEVER touch a cookie or a piece of chocolate again? No. But I think, as you make changes, it's CRUCIAL to figure out what sorts of food are the top of that slippery slope. Can I eat one square of dark chocolate and not go back for more? Yep, I definitely can. In fact, I am proud to say that there is a bar of 85% dark chocolate in my fridge right now that has exactly 3 squares eaten out of it. And I'm not sitting here dreaming about it ready to hoover it the second I get home. However, as I found out this weekend, I am not a one-slice-of-cake girl. At my niece's birthday party, I found myself going back for cake again. And again. And again. Ahem. 

Moral of the story and my ramble? Think about whether it's really worth it. After the initial mental high of biting my nails, I had nothing to show for it except progress ruined. And gross looking hands. Eating that cake didn't have such an immediate, visible effect, but I'm sure it didn't do anything to progress my training and it certainly didn't do anything to help me achieve my body composition goals. 

So. As I make food choices over the next couple of weeks I'm going to use the nail metaphor as a way to evaluate whether I really want to eat the things that are available to me to eat. The cake will always be there. The chocolate will always be there. Take a breath and think about what you're doing.

Water - on my 2nd nalgene
Lunch - spicy italian sausage, onion, apple, kale, and a pack of Paleostix
Coffee this morning
Supplements: brewer's yeast, resveratrol

Saturday, May 14, 2011

She runs.

5/14/11 8:30 AM

5K run at Cooper River

= 30:42

It was chilly. Wore my pumas. Didn't feel really warm until about a mile in.

I wasn't really winded but my legs were burning. Was very AWARE of my poor running form as opposed to blithely running like crap, haha. Also had the typical metcon mentality of "ok, if I run faster, this will be over sooner, but it'll suck more. Decisions."

Looking forward to getting this time down substantially with some endurance and form work. Tony kept telling me to relax my arms and hands, I could feel that my left shoulder was getting a little funky so I must not have been doing the relaxing part that well.

BUT considering that my last 5K run was 33 minutes and some change, and that was in 2009, and I haven't done any long distance running since then with the exception of 2 1 mile time trials 2 weeks ago, I feel pretty good about this.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday. Friday. Gotta get down on Friday.

New favorite quick breakfast. Or lunch, as the case may be: 

1 pack of paleo stix, 1 bell pepper. Maybe a piece of fruit. Throw it all in your bag and GO.

I just ate a piece of cake at a work party. It tasted exceedingly sweet to me. Too sweet. For the first time. I still ate it though. Why? 


Tried to go to bed early last night but it was 11:30 by the time I got there. Boo.
Dinner last night was 8 ounces tuna salad from grocery and about 6 ounces roasted sweet potatoes.

Calves weren't sore when I went in but got sorer and stiffer as the session progressed. Thus, since I'm running a 5K tomorrow, I thought it would be best to go easy today.

Warmup/mobility WOD/double under practice.

Ankles/feet felt real sore doing double unders. Surprisingly, my upper body isn't sore at all. Huh.

Deadlifts, conventional, sets of 2, dead stop.

Worked up to 185x2.

Then practiced handstands a lot while everyone was doing the metcon. Got a little freestanding hold, about 3 seconds? Looking forward to working on these more.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Today my goals are:
Eat clean
8 hours of sleep
Do laundry
Clean my closet
Write one outcome story
Take supplements
Drink 80 ounces water

I've accomplished:

Clean eating - Fasted til about 1:30, 2 cups of coffee in the morning. Broke fast with 4 Paleostix, about 1 cup strawberries, and one orange bell pepper eaten raw.

Training - happening at 5:30. AMRAP 20 minutes of 400m run/7 strict pullups/7 pushups. Going for 6 rounds with the light band or less rounds with the mini band. We'll see.

AMRAP in 20 minutes
400 meter run
7 muscleups (scaled to strict pullups, 2 mini bands/strict pushups)

= 5 full rounds + 1 run

What can I say? Was going for 6 full rounds but HOLY JEEZUS that last run felt like slogging through cement. Pullups and pushups felt super strong. Switched grips around with the pullups. Supinated especially felt awesome. I really need to be attached to someone fast with a leash during my runs because otherwise I just go so slooooooow.

Lots and lots of slow idiots on the sidewalks in my way though. That was a pain.

8 hours of sleep - 11:30pm-7:30am. Probably just under 8 hours but most importantly, specifically decided against training at 6am because I would only be getting 5 hours of sleep if that happened. Really trying to make sleep a big priority right now. 

Do laundry - about to start it!

Clean my closet - tonight. 

Write one outcome story

Take supplements- Resveratol, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Natural Calm tonight. My brewer's yeast came in the mail today so I'll start on that tomorrow morning (I'm doing Liz's skin care suggested supplement program, trying to wean myself off the chemicals).

Drink 80 ounces water - on my 3rd Nalgene of the day so this will definitely happen.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Training Fail.


Wasn't planning on going then thought I had time so performed some miracles to sneak into the 6:30 session late. In Elena's sneakers, Erin's shorts, and a CFCC tshirt because I hadn't brought any of my own.

Also, full disclosure and I TOTALLY regret this, but I ate a bunch of sweet potato fries at happy hour right before this. Didn't drink, thank God, but I immediately regretted having food in my system of any kind as soon as I got in the car.


2x500m rows, rest as needed between attempts.

1st attempt - 1.49.5
*PR! My last 500m was 1.52. This one, the footstraps were coming undone for the last 150 m so I didn't have anything to push off of. Thus, had a ton of gas left in the tank. THUS, could have smoked this even more. So that made me happy.

But then, I started getting horrible stomach cramps. Like, get me home NOW stomach cramps. So, there. We've all learned something today. Never eat before rowing. Evereverever. I went home. Didn't want to puke all over the C2, after all.

Another 500m attempt soon. Like, Friday.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/10/11 6am
Not enough sleep. Not enough food yesterday.

Iced coffee.

Warmup: 3 rounds, 5 supinated pullup-LB/10sec handstand hold/15 wall squats

strength: Thruster, 1RM
45, 55, 65, 75 and called it. Right shoulder felt pinchy. Really not terribly concerned with having a spectacularly heavy thruster - the ROM is not good for my shoulder and if I need to, I will front squat and push press or jerk it. So.

1000m row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pullups (LB)

Meh. Gassed out entirely on the row. I almost PR'd it at 4:10ish - best ever is 4:01 in the middle of a 2k, 2nd best is 4:05 a couple weeks ago. Had to break up the thrusters way too much. Should have been like, 25 and 25. Bleh. Grip went on the pullups.

So, not thrilled. But looking forward to coming back to this one on a day following good food and good sleep.

Also, i say that too much. I just need to eat well and sleep well constantly and then I won't need to do these workouts on an empty tank. Hmph. Also other thing to focus on over the next couple weeks - pick the thing that I'm worst at and save my energy for that. In this case, going all out on the row was stupid. I'm good at rowing. I don't need to use up my energy on that.

Saturday, 3/14/09

Visited CrossFit York

1000 m row
50 thrusters (used a 35# bar then scaled it halfway through to a 15# bar...haven't rowed in awhile and forgot how much it would shred my shoulders/legs)
30 pullups (assisted with green band)

14:49 total

FUN STUFF. The rower totally effed me up. I forgot how difficult 1000 meters is on that thing.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Golf tournament all day for work. Sat outside in a golf cart reading a book, got some sun, took some pictures. Not a bad day. A little dehydrated though, and only ate about 3/4 cup of chicken salad, a slice of tomato, a piece of cheese, some chicken and broccoli, and a bowl of coconut milk/frozen blueberries/bananas/coconut flakes. Also, sunburned. Haha.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends.

5/8/11 10am
In Washington Square Park

In teams of 4 complete:
4x400 m relay run (each member does 1 400m run)
400m walking lunges (total, each member does part of this)
400 double unders
4x400 m relay run

Worked with Todd, Jen, and Neha

First run felt great. Lunges, not so much. Legs are pretty smoked still. Double unders - did not contribute to this like I should've at ALL. 2nd run felt horrible. haha.

Total = 26:42

Perfect, perfect day outside. So happy to be there.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Such a wonderful day.

Drank too much red wine last night, but oh well :)

Slept at least 8 hours.

Iced coffee before training.

"Tabata Something Else" - pullups, pushups, situps, squats. Good, hard work.

5/7/11 9am

Pullups (mini band!) = 35
Pushups (STRICT!!!) = 30
Situps (butterfly) = 60
Squats = 112

Originally Posted by Meghan Reid View 
2/18/10 6am

Can I Get a Tabata THIS?

squats - 20/16/16/16/16/15/15/15 = 129

pullups (blue band) - 12/7/7/5/5/5/5/5 = 51
pushup (GB+BB) - 6/5/4/5/5/4/4/4 = 37
plank - each round unbroken
- 44 cals, 776 meters

Total score with minimums and averages added (per Greg) = 41

This sucked a bunch of a*s. Rachel and I were in this one together from the beginning I think, even though I went into tunnel vision to get myself through it.

Note to self: Rows 1st is RX'd, doing rows at the end SUCKS but not as bad as I thought it would. The failure in pullups was grip, totally (been a problem lately). Gonna start doing weighted hangs to work on this. Pushups, apparently, are my new goat. WHY can I not get better at these?
Saturday, May 2, 2009:
"Tabata Something Else"
Full Tabata cycles of:
Pullups (green band) 12/11/10/7/5/1/2/4 = 52
Pushups (weight bench, straight legs!) 9/8/6/3/3/4/4/4 = 44
Situps (Scaled to planks) - had to stop and rest on EACH ONE
Squats - 16/16/16/15/13/12/11/15 = 114

Brunch, grilled spicy fennel sausage and a side of fruit.

Snack, strawberries right off the vine at the farmstand.

Lunch/Early Dinner: Spinach salad, strawberries, sliced almonds, chicken breast dressed with oil, balsamic vinegar, a little honey, salt and pepper. 8 (yes I counted) dark chocolate chips for dessert. I really cannot say enough about how beautiful these strawberries were. gorgeous.

Snack: Wowsers, craving lots of fruit today. Oh well, this never happens. Bananas, frozen blueberries, coconut shavings with coconut milk, cinnamon, and a tsp of honey drizzled over. SO GOOD. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cleaning it UP!


Lower Body SO SORE.

Workout is here: http://crossfitcc.com/2011/05/04/thursday-5511/
I did:

Strict Press: 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85F
Push Press: 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110F
Jerk: 110, 115, 120F (PR on power clean!)

Lower body was smoked. Really want to try this again when I'm fresh because I hit a big PR after all that work. Awesome workout today. Loved it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 30.

Sleep: Not sure, felt a little sleepy when I woke up to train this morning at 5:20. It was at least 10 when I got into bed. Probably 11 when I fell asleep.

Iced coffee before training.

3 rounds @ 75#:
10 overhead squat
10 front squat
10 back squat
20 pistols (to 2 stools, with PVC assistance, gotta get better at ROM on these)


OHS were beautiful. Snatched to overhead each round and did all but the 3rd round unbroken. Bailed spectacularly on the 10th rep of the 3rd round then resnatched/muscled it up to finish.
Lower back got real tight on the front squat. Didn't like that much.
Pistols make me want to cry.
Pretty sure my legs hate me right now.

First meal (lunch):
1/2 cucumber with salt
leftover spaghetti squash with marinara and ground beef over spinach. Not sure how much, but I'm starving and really looking forward to eating all of it.

Water: Lots.

Sun: Laid out on Cooper River for about 45 minutes with Elena. Direct sunlight. Felt AWESOME.

Snack: NONE. Whoa. Wanted a chocolate chip cookie reallyreallyreallyreally bad.

Dinner: Salmon, sauteed sweet potatoes, green peppers.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 31.

Beginning a countdown.

Sleep: 7 hours (was up late watching the news)

Breakfast: Coffee, ate green bell pepper strips dipped in my homemade sauce from last night. Yummer.

Lunch: Chicken thighs, spinach, some guacamole and grilled veggies. 

The Ugly: A few pieces of candy. Last sugar for the month. 

Hydration: About 80 ounces of water already.

Spaghetti squash, homemade marinara sauce, ground beef. Spinach. 

5:30 @ CFCC

"Power Elizabeth" aka my nemesis WOD.

95# power cleans
ring dips (I used the mini band, holy crap, where did those come from?)

So. The ring dips were not pretty and it would be nice to get these strung together. End of the summer goal.
HOWEVER. I went from crying and DNF'ing this after 20 minutes of hell, working with a freaking 50# sandbag to finishing in 13:09 thisclose to RX'd. Pat on the back to me.

95# cleans felt awesome today. Don't know if it was different shoes (I used Drew's pumas since I left mine at home by accident) or just coming in recovered/fed.

Thursday, September 3rd 2009 (7:00 AM)

WOD: "Elizabeth" aka "Meghan's Nemesis"
SB cleans (squat cleans)
ring dips


1. Elizabeth is my nemesis. If I'm not perfectly and I mean PERFECTLY prepped for this (eating/energy wise), this one chews me up and spits me out. Every. Single. Time.
2. I did NOT eat enough before this. Well...should have eaten more last night to carry me through this. A few pecans didn't do it at all. Vision started getting blurry and fuzzy after round 1 (50# SB and purple band dips).
3. Downshifted to 25# SB and green band dips for Round 2 and 3 for the sake of finishing.
4. Pro and Liz were hauling *** with 75# sandbags. You guys rock.
5. Am still feeling shaky now, as I write this, 4 hours after the fact. But I have no appetite. Weird. Big lunch then.
6. Work is busy crazy as hell.

Friday, May 1, 2009:
50# Sandbag cleans
ring dips (scaled to toes on the stool)

Time=20:05 (DNF)

This sucked a bunch of ***. Bad day, was exhausted and distracted. Got so frustrated I cried during a few minutes of this, heh. Couldn't keep my back arched and muscled a bunch of the cleans, made my low back sore. Not my best day. Elizabeth and I will meet again soon.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 18.

Countdown to my friend's wedding and the bridesmaid dress I am VERY concerned about - ONE MONTH. Therefore, I'm taking a break from being awesome and unconcerned about anything but enjoying deliciousness at my every whim and focusing on being strict for awhile.

Food so far:

Breakfast: 4 strips bacon, 2 eggs, coffee, couple glasses of water

Training: Crossfit rest day, but spent about an hour and a half doing yardwork (lugging heavy bags of potting soil, digging, pulling weeds, sweeping and cleaning). Fun!

*Note - my right hip and right foot are a little jacked up. Not sure if it was something I did during my run or walking around after. Weird. Icing it and keeping an eye on it.

Snack: Larabar at the grocery store (dying of starvation, it was my own fault)
Dinner: Remixed Karis' chicken from Shabbat. Chicken breast & thigh pieces with paprika rub (really spicy and delicious) with sauce made from EVOO, parsley, mint, garlic, mustard, and some other stuff I don't remember right now. Served over a big pile of baby spinach.

Fish oil, Natural Calm, Vitamin D - CHECK.