Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 3.

Not enough. Last looked at the clock at 11:24.
Alarm went off at 5:10am, and I woke up very, very tired and very very sore from yesterday, so decided to skip the 6am in favor of some mobility work today. Then Angel's alarm went off at 6:30. We are trying to figure out a solution to having multiple alarms going off, because technically I should feel rested today since I slept til 7:30, but I don't. My alarm went back off in the middle of a dream, and whenever that happens I feel groggy for a long time. My body did not want to wake up yet and I wish I could have let it sleep. Sorry, body.

*I am pretty stiff and sore from yesterday, notably in my hamstrings, core/obliques, upper back and triceps. I should have soaked in epsom salts last night/done more mobility work but didn't get to it yesterday. oops. Will do tonight.

*Oh, I thought I felt a little phlegmy this morning, maybe from the bit of goat cheese I ate last night? It wasn't anything bothersome but I'm trying to be more aware. I guess I should cut the cheese for now (hah, I'm 12). 

8am - about 3/4 cup of coffee (I was running a little late due to above grogginess)

9:30am - ate some breakfast so I could drink tea at work without getting queasy. Breakfast was leftover frittata from yesterday. It was still delicious today :)

12:30ish - starting to be hungry but not uncomfortably so. Brought my lunch to the grocery store to eat with a coworker and buy food for the next few days. Lunch was leftover roasted cauliflower from last night and leftover ground turkey in homemade marinara sauce + mushrooms, plus 1/2 an apple and a packet of almond butter. It was good. I felt full and passed the box jump test.

*32 oz water this morning, working on my second bottle now.
I feel kind of snacky right now (it's 3pm). But will not snack. Damn you coworker-drawer-of-candy.

6:45 Dinner
spicy Italian sausage over a bed of kale, onions, and 1/2 an apple (the produce was sauteed in a little bit of ghee). This. Was. Delicious.

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