Friday, May 27, 2011

A Good Day.

Working from home today so got to go to the 9am session, a rare treat.

Stayed up way too late last night watching movies in bed (guilty pleasure). 

Had coffee and lots of seltzer this morning before the session.

Warmup: foam roll (poor glutes from yesterday although they aren't as bad - yet - as I thought they'd be)
inchworms, high knees, butt kicks, skip for height/length, over/under the fence

Strength: BACK SQUAT
*We haven't squatted in awhile so we were working up to an easy single.

45, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 165, 175 - PR!

Really pleased with this because it was easy and fast, and we haven't back squatted in a reeeally long time. I used my new shoes and focused on staying tight in the core through the bottom and spreading the floor with my feet. It obviously helped.

Metcon: Every minute for 10 minutes, complete 2 unassisted kipping pullups
THIS IS HUGE. This is the first time I've ever used unassisted pullups in a metcon. I was ECSTATIC! And they were easy, the first 8 sets were actually strung together. Really focused on descending carefully to protect my shoulder. These weren't really kipping in the traditional sense, more like using momentum to get me over the bar, then coming back under control, then swinging into the next one.

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